Monday, December 28, 2015

Clark Kent—Superman

Well, given that this is the DC Cinematic Universe, who else would our starting entry? Man of Steel is our only movie so far, and hopefully I'll have the numbers for most of their main cast before Batman v Superman drops in March.

EDIT: I've recently come in to make some changes to his stats. I've come to the conclusion that you cannot build a truly good Superman within the confines of the actual rules, or even in the confines of my house-ruled "Deity" Power Level. So, the goal of this DC-verse is going to be to try and build all non-Kryptonians in the confines of the game's rules.

For people that want to have an idea of where this puts Supes at, it looks like every Power Level is 15 points above the Power Level before it. This is effectively 4 Power Levels above Cosmic and 3 above Deity.

Name: Kal-El
Race: Kryptonian
Experience: 50 (Veteran)
Power Level: Fuck It with Super Karma (145 PP)
Agility d10; Smarts d6; Spirit d8; Strength d12+14; Vigor d12+4
Pace 6; Parry 6; Charisma 4; Toughness 36 (16)
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Dependent (Lois Lane), Heroic, Loyal, Pacifist (m), Power Negation (Kryptonite).
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Alertness, Marksman, Quick, Take the Hit, Attractive, Brave, Brawny, Charismatic, Nerves of Steel, Elan, Hard to Kill.
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Investigation d8, Notice d12, Persuasion d6, Shooting d10 [attack, ranged only], Stealth d6, Streetwise d6, Swimming d6.
Inventory: Costume, Glasses.
  • Armor +16 (10): Heavy Armor, Ultra-Thick Skin.
  • Doesn't Breathe (2): Kryptonian physiology. 
  • Extra Action (6): Two extra actions.
  • Flight (20): Super Sonic Speed, –8 to hit while flying. Climb 4.
  • Heightened Senses (6): Eagle Eyes, Low Light Vision, Super Senses (Hearing, Sight). Spatial Sense.
  • Immune to Disease/Poison (2): Kryptonian physiology.
  • Resistance (4): Air, Cold, Fire/Heat, Radiation. +4 to resist, +4 Toughness.
  • Super Attribute (48): Agility +2, Strength +15, Vigor +7.
  • Super Edge (8): Alertness, Marksman, Quick, Take the Hit.
  • Super Skill (5): Notice +3, Shooting +3. Limitation (–1, Shooting—ranged attack only).
  • Toughness +10 (13): Hardy.
  • Attack, Ranged (21): Range 24/48/96, Damage 5d10, AP 4, Enhanced Damage, Focus, Heavy Weapon, Lethal. Switchable. (Heat vision.)
  • Attack, Melee (12): Damage Str+2d6, AP 2, Climb, Focus, Heavy Weapon, Multiple Attacks.
  • Regeneration (7): Level 3, rolls to heal every ten minutes, Recovery. Limitation (–2, Level 4 when exposed to direct sunlight in space).
One of the last born on the dying planet Krypton, and jettisoned by his parents to save his life, Kal-El landed in Smallville, Kansas as a child. He was found by Jon and Martha Kent, adopting him and giving him the name Clark Kent, and was raised as a normal child. The power of Earth's yellow sun, however, was absorbed by his kryptonian cells and have augmented his body, increasing his senses, strength, agility, speed, durability and more.

His powers began to develop at a young age, including his super hearing, heat vision, and super strength. Several people have seen him using these abilities, and he was ostracized. At 13, Jonathon finally revealed that Kal-El was actually an alien, found in a kryptonian escape pod, and urged Kal to keep his powers under the radar because humanity wasn't ready to learn about life elsewhere in the universe. When Kal was 17, Jonathon was killed by a tornado, and shortly after Kal left Smallville to learn why he was on Earth, helping people that needed it as he went along.

Eventually, Kal found a job working up at a research site around a possible alien crash site, and investigated to find a lost kryptonian scout ship. Lois Lane, a reporter there at the time, followed him as well, but Kal helped her against the ship's defenses and escorted her out of the ship after she was knocked unconscious. Heading back into the ship, he found an A.I. modeled after Jor-El's—Kal-El's true father—to speak to Kal when he found the ship, explaining why he was sent to Earth and giving him his iconic uniform.

Kal returned to Smallville, where Lois Lane had found who he really was, and he convinced her to leave his identity alone. Kal met back up with Martha, catching up when a long-lost kryptonian general, Zod, broadcasted a threat to humanity unless Kal-El revealed himself. Kal-El decided to give himself up, being taken up to Zod's ship and being weakened by the kryptonian atmosphere inside the ship. After a bit of mental torture, Kal escaped, saving Lois and flying away to save Martha as well, taking on two of Zod's lieutenants as he did.

Kal-El then worked with the military to counter Zod's attempt at terraforming Earth, destroying the terraform generator and flying to metropolis to destroy Zod's ship as well. Zod, fueled by rage, attacked Kal, trying to kill him, and though Kal fought valiantly, he was only able to fight Zod to a standstill, and was forced to kill Zod as he threatened a small family.

Now known as Superman, Kal-El resides in secret, helping anyone that needs it as time goes forwards and making sure that no military has control over his actions. He blends into the populace using his adopted name, Clark Kent, and now works at the Daily Planet alongside Lois Lane.

Power Stunts:
  • Super Skill (12): Climbing +6, Swimming +6. Due to Kal-El's super strength, he can swim and climb extremely efficiently, which helped him reach a burning oil rig before he learned that he could fly.
  • Energy Control (6): Fire/Heat, Selective. Limitation (–1, Control only). Superman used his heat vision to carve his way into a glacier.
  • Healing (5): Using his heat vision, Superman can cauterize and wounds and help his allies to heal.
  • Leaping (6): Level 6. Leaps 64" vertically and 128" horizontally. Due to his super strength, Superman can leap extremely far distances. Once he realized he could fly, he generally does not use this power anymore.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Ground Rules (again!)

Alright, I admit it, I'm a completionist. Shocking, I know.

But since the DCEU is getting ready to really take off with Dawn of Justice, I figured it'd be prudent for me to get my foot in the door earlier on (partially to avoid this catch-up game I'm playing with Savage MCU). So, as per the usual, here's my introductory post.

For those that don't know, my name is Donavon (more universally known as DoctorBoson). I'm the same guy that writes and runs the Savage Everything! blog and have been playing and GMing Pinnacle Entertainment's Savage Worlds game system for around four or five years now; very cheap and highly recommended if you somehow found me before you found them.

This is my third Savaging dump, dedicated this time around to DC characters in their cinematic universe only. Characters from comics or other DC movie properties don't count (like Nolan's Dark Knight).

A few ground rules and house rules that I personally use to make these folks work:
  1. As usual, I am pulling information from the movies only. There may be some rare times when I pull from the DCEU-official tie-in comics to round out certain characters, but I won't be straying outside of the DCEU canon to build characters. Superman, as bullshit as he is, stays within the realm of his movie limits and doesn't have ice breath and hurricane sneezes, etc.
  2. Also, as per the usual, these characters are being made as though I were a player and the movies were a campaign. Most characters are going to start above Novice (many of them beginning above Legendary, even), and I'm gonna be working to make it so that they are the lowest experience possible to recreate what the character is capable of on the screen. Arguments could be made to bring them up to a higher level but 90% of the time I'm sticking with what we've seen and not much more.
  3. Most all of my information is going to be brought in from the Second Edition Supers Companion. The first edition was decent at the power levels it was shooting for, but given the massive power levels we see in DC films, that won't be enough.
  4. Now, a minor tweak for characters here: Power Points are not solidified for some characters. This hasn't really popped up in the DC films like it has in Marvel, but I want it to be clear that Power Points aren't necessarily written in stone.
  5. Joke cameos do not count for the purposes of tags, narrative cameos do.
A few Setting Rules that are in effect:
  1. Characters with Super Powers may gain them for free and at any time appropriate to the narrative (not restricted to being a Background Edge). That said, if a character with a Rising Stars! Arcane Background may take Power Points every 20 XP, regardless of rank, up to their normal maximum. Super Karma may also be applied at any time, not solely at character creation.
  2. Characters without Arcane Background (Super Powers) do not necessarily gain a free Background Edge. This is on a case-by-case basis but generally they don't.
  3. Joker's Wild! is always in effect in my games and conversions (characters automatically receive a Benny whenever one of them draws a Joker).
  4. All Comic Book CombatPower Stunts, and Power Tricks Settings Rules are in effect with one exception: Unarmed Defender is modified. This is a tricky one on a character-to-character basis as to who is considered armed or unarmed, but the general rule of thumb is that if you have Heavy Armor, have a melee attack, or have any of the attack penalty powers (parryspeeduncanny reflexes, etc.), or otherwise logically you don't care about weapons, you are considered an armed defender (this does not make you an armed attacker for the purposes of the rule). This means martial artists still must take the Martial Artist Edge. (A character with an unarmed attack, melee power adds that to their Martial Artist damage).
  5. A character's Power Limit is one third of their total Power Points (rounded up), including Super Karma. A Four Color hero with Super Karma has a Power Limit of 19 instead of 15, for example.
  6. There have been a few power changes that I've made, notably to the flight and speed tables, all listed in this document.
The last thing I'll be leaving here is a reiteration of how I judge skills. Keep in mind that this isn't what a character is implied to have: all skills and Edges are required to be seen for a character to have them. Most of these are just general guidelines, as appropriate Edges will modify how talented a character is.
  • Unskilled (d4–2): A character is only vaguely capable of doing something and likely has never tried. A city-slicker that went camping 12 years ago would probably be Unskilled in Survival.
  • Below Average (d4): A character that is familiar with basic principles of a skill but is sketchy on actually executing this. An avid flight-sim player might have a d4 in Piloting.
  • Average (d6): This character is average at something involved in their particular line of work. Most cops would only have a d6 in Shooting.
  • Above Average (d8): Among a group of friends, or people that are learned in a particular subject, this character is extremely talented in this. Link has a d8 in Smarts (puzzle-solving bastard).
  • Expert (d10): This is the level where you will likely be actively pursued and paid high dollar for your abilities or services, or are otherwise just exceptionally skilled. House has a d10 in Taunt.
  • Elite (d12): Simply one of the best in this particular field. The Mountain has a d12 in Intimidation (and by god did he earn that one).
  • Legendary (d12+1): Stories of this characters' aptitude will be told for decades after he has passed away. Ezio has a d12+1 in Fighting (and a whole slew of Edges to go with it).
  • Maximum Human Capacity (d12+2): This is the physical limit of the human body to be able to accomplish incredible feats. Louis Cyr had a d12+2 in Strength.
Here's to a good long while of Savaging. Hopefully this picks up traction and I can get a good snapshot of the universe before Batman v Superman drops and I have to kick into high gear.